Monday, January 12, 2009

Home . . . is where the heart is?!?!?

If it’s true that home is where the heart is, then I have a lot of homes. My heart isn’t just in Seattle anymore; a huge part of it is definitely in Nigeria. Although I have really enjoyed my time at home so far, especially the time I have been able to spend with my family and friends I really miss my family and friends in Nigeria. I spent a few hours sorting through photos today, trying to pick out which ones I am going to print and boy that is a challenging task. I love all of my photos, because each photo is so much more than a photo to me, it is a memory of someone and some place that I deeply love.

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in a steal. Store your treasures in Heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Wherever your treasure is, there you heart and thoughts will also be.”
– Matthew 6:19-21


Elizabeth said...

Love the pics...the kids are so adorable. :)

Shannon said...

Oh Jamie, these pictures are perfect and I totally know what you mean about how every photo is so much more than a photo and how your heart is spread all over the world in all these special places with all these special people.


Erin said...

Yeah! Love the pics :)

Song and Amy said...

Are the kids doing "mute moose" in one of those pictures?!? :)

Wow, what beautiful children, Jamie. Your love for them inspires me.

Anne Higbee-Owens: said...

Hi Honey,

Your comments are so heart felt and so God felt and your photos are so telling. Amazing! I can see through your eye, what you have lived through the last 6 mos. Thank you for the photos!


Goss from Jos said...

Hey Jamie
Cool pics, and totally know what you mean about home is where your heart is i miss everyone sooo much! Good on ya for keeping your blog up, sannuda aike!
Love ruth