Even though the stories might not be as exciting, there are a lot of new things going on in my life and God is continuing to teach me every step of the way.
I have been studying Matthew lately, and the words in Matthew 11:28 have really helped me remember to find joy all of the time, and allow God to be in control.
"Then Jesus said, come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly and the burden I give you is light."
Wedding planning is sure an adventure of it's own . . . we are learning more and more about each other each day. We are learning how we each make decisions (or don't make decisions), how we relax, how to communicate better and many other fun things! :) We have been blessed by wonderful friends and family who are more than willing to lend a hand in the planning, so I don't feel like I have had to do hardly anything at all!
Along with wedding planning I have been working at our local coffee shop. What a blast it has been to see old friends and customers and have the opportunity to share with then how God is working in Nigeria. People are always so interested and love to share their stories with me once I share a little bit with them! I have been able to meet people from all over the World, even a man from the town in Ethiopia I worked in several years ago.
Along with sharing my adventures in Nigeria with my customers at the coffee shop, I recently was able to speak after Mass at St. Luke! It was wonderful, to share pictures and stories with so many people! That experience opened up the door for me to be able to speak in a class at St. Luke this coming week!
Along with speaking in the classroom this week about Nigeria, tomorrow I will be speaking at my brother's Church in Bellingham! I was blessed with the opportunity to share with them before I left, so I am really looking forward to reconnecting with people and being able to share with them, how their prayers and support worked.
If you could please keep me in prayer as I speak this week that would be wonderful!
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