Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God's Glory in Creation . . .

"When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor." - James 4:10

Living in a culture and a place where I have so little control of how my day goes, really teaches me just how much I need to daily, and minute by minute admit my dependence upon the Lord. When I get stuck in a routine going about our day, knowing, or at least thinking I know how the day is going to go, I forget to rely upon the Lord. God has been showing me how I need to come to him more each day even with little things, and has been challenging me to realize that I am not in control of anything and I need to give all of that to him and admit my dependence upon him. If I am able to admit my dependence upon him, even in my weakness, then he is made stronger and it's all about bringing glory and honor to him. This seems to be a lesson I am continually learning throughout my life . . . and one I think God will have to continue to teach me in different ways throughout my life. Thankfully it's a process and God loves me no matter what!

Sunday I was able to go rock climbing just outside of Jos, with a couple of missionaries, and it was a blast! It was REAL rock climbing too! Like scooting between, under, around and over huge boulders! It was so refreshing to be out in God's creation and marvel and wonder over how these rock formations were created, and to see how creative God is . . . our World is so unique and beautiful in so many different ways! Praise the Lord for his wonderful creation!

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